Fea tures
"Non-contact switching
"Hermetically sealed components
"Components processed to Opteks
screening program patterned after
MIL-PRF-19500 for TX and TXV
De scrip tion
The OPB821TX or OPB821TXV consists
of a gallium aluminum arsenide LED and
a silicon phototransistor soldered into a
printed circuit board, then mounted in a
high temperature plastic housing on
opposite sides of an 0.080 inch (2.03
mm) wide slot. Lead wires are #24 AWG
polytetraflouroethylene (PTFE) insulated
conforming to MIL-W-16878.
Phototransistor switching takes place
whenever an opaque object passes
through the slot. For maximum output
signal, neither the LED or the
phototransistor in the OPB821TX or the
OPB821TXV is apertured.
The OPB821TX and OPB821TXV use
optoelectronic components that have
been processed and tested as either TX
or TXV components per MIL-PRF-19500.
Typical screening and lot acceptance
tests are provided on page 13-4.
Ab so lute Maxi mum Rat ings (T
= 25
C un less oth er wise noted)
Op er at ing Tem pera ture Range ............................ -65
C to +125
Stor age Tem pera ture Range.............................. -65
C to +150
In put Di ode
For ward DC Cur rent.............................................. 50 mA
Re verse Volt age.................................................. 2.0 V
Power Dis si pa tion ............................................ 100 mW
Out put Pho to tran sis tor
Collector- Emitter Volt age............................................ 50 V
Emitter- Collector Volt age........................................... 7.0 V
Power Dis si pa tion ............................................ 100 mW
(1) Derate Linearly 1.00 mW/
C above 25
(2) Methanol or isopropanol are recommended cleaning agents.
Prod uct Bul le tin OPB821TX
Sep tem ber 1996
Hi- Rel Slot ted Op ti cal Switches
Types OPB821TX, OPB821TXV
Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road Car roll ton, Texas 75006 (972) 323- 2200 Fax (972) 323- 2396
24.0 (609.60)
#24 AWG